so i'm finally getting around to doing a
pinterest review.
the first item up come from detrimental beauty and is a recipe for
crock pot sugar cinnamon almonds.
the original link came from
here is the recipe:
1 1/2 C. Brown Sugar
1 1/2 C Sugar
3 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1/8 tsp. Salt
1 Egg White
2 tsp. vanilla
3 Cups Almonds
1/4 C water
In a medium sized bowl, mix together sugars, cinnamon, and salt. Set aside. In another medium sized bowl, whisk the egg white and vanilla until it’s a little frothy. Add almonds. Make sure the almonds are thoroughly coated in the egg white mixture. Add cinnamon mixture to the almonds and toss until coated.
Thoroughly spray with Pam, or whatever, the stoneware of your large crock pot. Add the divine mixture of almonds and sugars to the crock pot and turn it to low.
Cook ( with the lid on) 3-4 hours stirring every 20 minutes (I only did 3 hours). In the last hour, add the 1/4 C. of water and stir well. This ensures a crunchy yummy coating. (*make sure after you’ve added the water that you continue to cook the nuts for another 45min to an hour.)
You have to stir really well, especially as it gets later in the cooking process.
Line a baking sheet with parchment and spread the almonds flat to cool. The almonds will be sticky at this point, so make sure you separate them a little and have no large mounds.
here is a picture of my finished product.
i am giving it an A+ rating.
these are so incredibly delicious!
i made them to give out as neighbor christmas gifts.
i did make one little change to the recipe, i just added a few more
almonds to the mixture, because there seemed to be a whole lot
of leftover sugar, and i was giving quite a bit out so it worked out better
that way for me.
thanks again to detrimental beauty for the absolutely delicious almonds!

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