at the beginning of every year, it is customary to write "resolutions"
things you want to change about yourself. most of these consist of
"go to the gym" "quit drinking soda," you know the usual. i don't love
all the cliche resolutions because, at least for me, it is not doable.
so these are my goals for the beginning of a new year.
not really things that i want to change about myself, but things i hope
to expound on to make myself a better wife, mother, friend, and person.
i hope to become a more
patient person.
to teach love and
understanding to my
read to my children
each night.
spend more time
as a family,
and less time with
become more spiritual.
be more
genuine and
loving to all
those around me.
what do you hope to do with the new year?

Sounds like a plan to set you on the way to a truly happy year.