Thursday, July 19, 2012

complain much?

i am a big time complainer,
a lot of the time it is mostly in my head
but sometimes it gets said out loud. 

Mama’s Losin’ It

this week from the writing workshop i chose to write about
what i complained about last, and how it was resolved. 

this actually only goes back to a few hours ago. 
i had a HUGE laundry pile that was sitting in a basket in my bathroom
right in the middle of the entryway to my closet, 
in a spot where i was 100% certain my hub couldn't miss.

he knows that i hate carrying the laundry basket to the laundry room, 
especially when it is so big. 
he is the one that was given the big strong muscles not me,
(plus i kinda like to see how tough he really is)
so he is always the one i ask to carry the basket for me. 

well, i know that he walked past it at least twice, 
once last night to get ready for bed, 
and again this morning to get ready for work. 

as i got ready to go do my laundry i looked with dismay
 at the basket still sitting in my bathroom. 
somehow, the hubs figured out a way to slip past it into the closet
without knocking anything off, 
and still managed to add to the pile. 

but there it sat, 
in all it's glory waiting for me to take it. 

the resolution to the problem is this, 

me complaining under my breath, and an occasional curse in my head
as i made 5 trips to the laundry room carrying armloads of clothes. 

i guess that men really do have to be told what to do, 
and how it needs to be done. 
they definitely cannot read minds, 
or not so subtle hints either.

What was your last complaint? How was it resolved? 

Monday, July 16, 2012

the party

on the morning of my kids (and hubby's) birthdays
i always like them to be surprised 
waking up to lots of crepe paper and balloons. 
i spend hours the night before trying to get things all ready
so their day will be exciting right from the 
get go. 

here are a few pictures from this years
birthday morning. 

walking in to see balloons and paper everywhere. 
this is his "i'm still mostly asleep face."

some crepe paper decorations i made, they were super fun 
and i love how different it looks then the normal. 

and a "happy birthday" sign on the mantle.
there were also balloons all over, and more crepe paper, 
i'm not the best photographer in the world!

we had such a fun time celebrating my little man!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Birthday Boy!

my little man turned 4 years old this week! 
it's crazy how fast time flies by. 
i remember waking up feeling "funny"
going to the hospital, 
and in just a few short hours i was holding my sweet baby boy. 

minutes after he was born

1 year old

2 years old

3 years old

4 years old

i love you buddy! happy happy birthday!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

if celebrities blogged

Mama’s Losin’ It

i have missed a few of the "writer's workshops"
and i am kinda sad because i think that these are some
great ideas of things to write about,
and get my mind working.


this week i decided to write about which celebrity i wish had a "mommy blog"
and why.

i would really like to read a blog from gwyneth paltrow, or jennifer garner.
my reasoning behind it is this:

1. they both seem really down to earth, and aren't always in the tabloid headlines.
don't get me wrong, i love celebrity gossip as much as the next girl. but i hate when you can tell they are just trying to increase their image and get attention.

2. they both try to keep their children out of the spotlight, and aren't flashy with them. i would be really interested to see how it would be to raise children they way they have to. that would suck to try to keep them away from the paparazzi.

3. i think they are both amazing actresses, and have been in some great movies!

4.  both have hunky husbands, especially jennifer, come on ben affleck (dream boat!) and actually gwyneth dated him for awhile too. (quick google search)

5. they are both stunning and absolutely gorgeous!

6. they seem like they would both have a great sense of humor, and would give good perspective to us fellow mommies.

come on gwyneth and jennifer, start a mommy blog! i bet you'll have 2 million followers within a day!

upon further research gwyneth does have a blog, that i was totally unaware of, 
so i guess that she has already made my dreams a reality.
now jennifer just needs to step up to the plate, and i'll have to check out this blog to see if
its as amazing as i pictured it would be!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I am slacking in the posting department, 
I do have a good excuse. 
I have been redoing my office in my house! 
It's coming along slowly, 
but I am done with the painting! 
It's awesome!
Don't ya think? 
I used a stencil from Royal Design Studio 
It's called "endless moorish circles"

I still have a lot of work to do in here, 
Finding an awesome HUGE bookshelf, 
Refinishing a desk, 
and hopefully convincing my sweet hub to paint the other wall the solid green color.

I can't wait till it is all put together!